Where have you been the past four years…

2 min readOct 16, 2020

…and why are the other Republicans not speaking up too?

Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse, in a phone call with constituents yesterday, criticized Donald Trump in a way similar to what Democrats and many normal, sane people have been saying for the last four years.

My questions are, why now, and where are the rest of the Republicans?

The answer to the first part of that question is probably easy, self preservation. Senator Sasse is up for re-election on November 3 and fears that he may lose that race, along with Trump and many other Republicans that are up for re-election, calling it a “Blue Tsunami.”

The second part of the question is the thing that is baffling me, why his Republican colleagues have still not found the intestinal fortitude to stand up to Trump? I guess they have tied themselves and their political fortunes to him and are willing to take their chances.

Sinking of the Titanic, National Geographic Illustration

In the past, in times of threat to our democracy, our people, our politicians, our nation have been able to put aside partisanship and other differences, to confront the common threat with a united front. This is no longer true for the Republicans, they have followed Trump blindly and in lock-step, like good little Fascists, creating the threat to our democracy from within.

Rather than joining their Democrat colleagues whenever they have called out Trump’s wrong-doings over the past four years, they have stood by silently, listened to his lies, insults and threats, his terrible policy decisions, his persecution of whistleblowers or anyone speaking up or speaking out against him, his dangerous behavior during the pandemic, to just name a few. When a Republican would speak up, it was only to make excuses for Trumps behavior, calling the Democrats “hysterical” instead.

I guess that the Democrats were not that hysterical after all, when looking at the transcript of Senator Sasse’s phone call or listening to the call itself.

I am thinking that it is a little too late for redemption because we are so far down the road of destruction that has been inflicted on our nation by Trump and the sycophantic, hypocritical Republicans. Voters will hopefully not accept this “change of heart” and put their trust in a Republican again, at least not this time around.

I am hoping that the poll numbers are true and Trump and the Republicans running for re-election will be swept out in the “Blue Tsunami” that Senator Sasse talked about.

If that happens, we can begin to “Build Back Better,” if it does not, we are in a lot of trouble.




Born in what was then West Germany, at the beginning of the 60s, I came to the USA in 1979. I am married and have two kids. I believe in “live and let live.”