Trump is out of there!

2 min readNov 8, 2020

Someone may want to count the silverware and take an inventory of the artwork and other valuables in the White House.

With Trump on the outs, having witnessed him and his corrupt family for almost four years now, I do not think that it is unreasonable to assume that he and his brood of Grifters may strip “the people’s house” of all its valuables that are not nailed down, before vacating the premises. So, watch out for moving vans parked outside the White House in the dark of night.

For Trump, every penny counts. There are several legal and tax problems, as well as a debt of over 400 Million Dollars waiting for him after 12 noon on January 20, 2021, and good lawyers are not cheap.

If his creditors call in their debt, then Trump and his brood may soon not have a “pot to piss in,” so stealing valuables from the White House that he can pawn them off to make some money for his legal defense, or to quiet down his creditors, is something I would not put past him.

There is a precedent to Trump taking artwork, which makes me think that my train of thought is entirely reasonable. In November of 2018, Trump took artwork from the embassy in Paris and brought it to the USA. I have not heard what has happened to the items he took, but it was an unusual move by a President.

Well, I am hoping that I will no longer be enraged by Trump and his scandalous, narcissistic, outrageous and embarrassing behaviors from now on because as of yesterday afternoon, he has become irrelevant to our country.

I am hoping that he will withdraw into seclusion to pout and lick his wounds until January 20, 2021. However, it would be more like him to strike out blindly like a rabid animal and try to cause as much strife, hate, violence and upheaval in our country as he can possibly manage.




Born in what was then West Germany, at the beginning of the 60s, I came to the USA in 1979. I am married and have two kids. I believe in “live and let live.”