Republicans’ herd stupidity

There appears to be no limit to the depth of stupidity human beings can display…



…and a majority of them seem to be living in the USA, disguised as Republicans!

I get frustrated when I hear in the news programs that COVID-19 is still an issue because many many people are refusing to get vaccinated.

On one hand I want to say that “I don’t give a shit about those people, let them get sick and die, it is their choice not to get vaccinated.”

On the other hand it is not as easy as that. Those people will be putting a strain on our health care system and hospitals. They may also infect kids under the age of 12, or people who for medical reasons can not get vaccinated, endangering their health and their lives.

Even worse, these boneheads are providing a living laboratory for the virus to further mutate, possibly into a strain that the current vaccines do not protect against, potentially putting us all back to square one in our fight.

We all engage in a social contract so that our society can function with reasonable efficiency. We are fighting against a virus that has spread around our entire planet. We have developed several vaccines that have been proven to provide us with protection against this virus, which may even be eradicated if everyone were to get vaccinated.

Anyone who claims that the virus does not exist, who does not wear a mask, who does not social distance themselves, who does not quarantine when necessary, who does not do ANYTHING to improve the situation we are in but whines and complains about the rules and restriction that have to be imposed on all of us for public health reasons, is a total bag of egotistical, useless shite.

Anyone in the media who questions and criticizes vaccinations while being vaccinated themselves, I am looking at everyone at the Fox network, should be arrested for spreading false and misleading information, causing public harm and endangerment and should be taken off the air, arrested and charged.

I am tired of this (or any) disease being used for a political fight. Any politician who does this should be ashamed and definitely be thrown out of office, I am looking at most Republican politicians in our Nation, because if you can not come together and work with your political opponent against a common enemy, then you definitely do not deserve to be elected to ANY public office because you do not understand the meaning of PUBLIC SERVICE and are simply a shit-for-brains shyster.

Speaking of shit-for-brains, I can not believe that there are STILL people in this country who believe that the 2020 election was rigged.

Get real people, the “Corrupt Orange Turd” lost because there were more of us who realized that he is a “CORRUPT ORANGE TURD” than those of you who consider him the chosen one or the second coming of Christ. If anything, he is the devil incarnate, bringing about the apocalypse.

According to the news, there is a county in Michigan where people are deeply divided over the outcome of the election. To me that is hard to fathom because the people who believe that the election was rigged appear not to realize a few things:

First of all, if the election was rigged, why was only the Presidential race affected? Seeing that local, state and congressional Republicans around the nation won their races and are now attacking voting rights and other freedoms, wouldn’t the people who rigged the election have made sure that we would have had a sweep by the Democrats? I know that is what I would have done. Mitch McConnel would be gone, Lindsey Graham would be gone, Thom Tillis would be gone and a whole lot of other Republican hypocrites and scumbags would be gone with them.

Second of all, where was the outrage when there was evidence that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election that put the “Corrupt Orange Turd” in power in the first place?

Third of all, how come that there has been no evidence found that supports the theory of widespread or even local election fraud? More than that, how come all of the lawsuits claiming election fraud have been thrown out of the courts, many of which were staffed with Republican judges?

Fourth of all, how do you explain that in spite of all of the recounts in various states, none of the results were overturned?

And finally, how do you explain that the election was confirmed and declared to have been clean and fair and that Joe Biden was the rightful winner, even in states where Republicans controlled the electoral process?

Maybe all of you conspiracy theorists, insurrectionists and general “Corrupt Orange Turd” followers should stop watching the Fox network, disengage from the QAnon information stream as well as from dubious information you find on the internet and maybe go into your dark cave to ponder the questions I have put out there. You may realize that none of your arguments for a fraudulent election holds water.

The Big Lie was set up even before the election when the “Corrupt Orange Turd” put it out there that the only way he could lose was if the election was fraudulent. You swallowed that bait hook, line and sinker…or maybe you are just a racist, fascist leaning, bat-shit crazy, poor loser who injects bleach or takes a light enema to fight COVID-19, just because the “Corrupt Orange Turd” told you that it may work.



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