Thank you, Iowa Republicans!

In yesterday’s Republican Caucuses, you have shown the Nation and the World that you would prefer an autocratic fascist dictatorship to democracy as the style of government under which you want to live.

4 min readJan 16, 2024


SARCASM ALERT! It is understandable, all that freedom and democracy stuff is very boring and tiring. All those rights afforded to us by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are very stressful and demanding. Books and history are also way too stuffy and boring. Books may contain dangerous messages about sexuality, and history can make us feel bad about misdeeds done by those who came before us. It’s best to do away with those saucy books and rewrite our history. In that way, “morality” is preserved, and we can all feel good about ourselves and our ancestors. And anyway, women, black and brown people, immigrants, non-hetero people, liberals, etc., have been getting too much attention, power, and control lately, it is time to put THEM back into their place, whatever or wherever that may be. SARCASM ALERT OVER!

Iowa Republicans, you have shown that you reject a woman’s right to make autonomous decisions over her body, and condone the storming of our Capitol during a violent insurrection, …and that is just the tip of the iceberg, all initiated by the very candidate you supported in droves yesterday.

You have stated in no uncertain terms that you would like the leader of our country to be a corrupt, self-serving, egomaniacal liar, who has a slew of serious criminal and civil lawsuits pending against him, which are his only reason for running for office, because he is hoping to be elected, and then make all of these lawsuits against him vanish.

I can’t believe the level of ignorance and stupidity amongst Iowa Republicans, coupled with sycophantic obedience and mindless, rabid support for a person who is abject evil, cruel, and hateful.

When I look up the word “abject” in the English Thesaurus, the following comes up, perfectly describing Trump, the person you support to become President of the United States, a person who thinks that he should be immune from prosecution as President, even if he has a political rival killed by Seal Team Six: “contemptible, base, low, vile, worthless, debased, degraded, despicable, ignominious, mean, unworthy, sordid, ignoble, shabby.”

Staying with the English Thesaurus, under the word “abject” I also found a list of words perfectly describing people like you, who support a contemptible, base, low, vile, worthless, debased, degraded, despicable, ignominious, mean, unworthy, sordid, ignoble, and shabby creature like Trump: “wretched, miserable, hopeless, pathetic, pitiful, pitiable, piteous, stark, sorry, forlorn, woeful, lamentable, degrading, appalling, atrocious, awful.”

Ah, there is nothing like the good old English Thesaurus to eloquently describe something so mind-boggling that you lack the words to express it.

Iowa Republicans, you seem to suffer from a lack of self-respect and a basic understanding of Evil. You support someone who eggs on his followers to harass, attack, and threaten his perceived enemies! Someone who disparages veterans of war, POWs, people wounded in wars, and people who died in wars. You support someone who is openly racist and supports white supremacy, a person who is a xenophobe. Worst, the person you support has made fun of people with physical and mental handicaps in the past …as President of the United States! Just how low can you go?

I am profoundly saddened, Iowa Republicans, that you did not have the guts to stand up to the contemptible evil that is embodied in Trump, and that you did not wholeheartedly reject him and his message of fascism and hate.

I have to admit, that my trust in the power of Good, and that it will triumph over Evil, has been shaken.

If Iowa is an indication of the depth of depravity to which Republicans will stoop to win the next election, supporting someone I can only describe as the Devil incarnate as their candidate, then we are in deep trouble.

People who believe in things like equality, freedom, democracy, tolerance, goodness, kindness, decency, etc., must band together and take a stand at the polls in November 2024, against Trump’s Cult and his forces of Evil!

A final thought. If all of you gun lovers and NRA types who revere Trump, think that he will let you keep your shooting irons after he is elected, think again. As an autocratic, fascist dictator, you have a certain degree of paranoia, it comes with the territory. You only keep guns in the hands of your most loyal followers, those who have drunk deeply from the Cool Aid. So, if you are not a part of the fascist apparatus in one way or another, you will be required to turn in your guns. Oh, and if you think you can just keep your gun and no one will be the wiser, think again. Fascist regimes rely on informers and snitches amongst the populace, to turn in those who look different, think differently, act differently, or who keep secrets from the regime. Those informants, who are not usually strangers but can be found amongst your coworkers, colleagues, teammates, friends, and even family, get rewarded for every denunciation, while the people they denounce get raided, often at night, and then get severely punished, most of the time swiftly and under cover of darkness unless a show trial is more beneficial to the regime. Enemies of the State, as defendants are often labeled in a fascist regime, do not have Miranda rights, they are not presumed innocent until proven guilty, and they do not get a fair trial, in a court of law, by a jury of their peers. In a fascist state, the state does not have to prove a defendant’s guilt beyond the shadow of a doubt, defendants are assumed to be guilty, and they have to prove their innocence.




Born in what was then West Germany, at the beginning of the 60s, I came to the USA in 1979. I am married and have two kids. I believe in “live and let live.”