So, you think the Taliban are an evil, oppressive, authoritarian group because they subjugate women and give them almost no rights?

4 min readSep 2, 2021

You scoff at Muslims because of their treatment of women? Well, the Taliban and Muslims have that in common with many, many Republicans and Evangelicals in this country!

The new law in Texas that took effect last night is apparently very popular amongst many Republican lawmakers in states like South Dakota and Florida, to name a few, who are all looking at adopting similar laws for their states.

With the Supreme Court not stepping in, this could develop into the greatest attack on women’s rights since “I don’t know when.”

It is thoroughly disgusting to imagine that in this day and age, crusty, wrinkly, old white men and uptight white church ladies who only have sex for procreation, in the dark and fully clothed, are able to affect our modern society in such a medieval way.

The hypocrisy in this is that these people will condemn the Taliban and Muslims for their treatment of women, but they are no better. Worse, they claim the slogan “My Body, My Choice” for their refusal to get vaccinated against Covid-19 or at least wear a face mask in public in order to protect those around them from their spew. They claim that having to get vaccinated or having to wear a face mask takes away their freedom and rights while they do not mind risking those around them getting sick and possibly dying, should they be infected with Covid-19.

While they are claiming to protect the unborn, they have no qualms about risking the lives of kids and adults around them!

It is quite clear that in today’s America, we have a big divide. It is not only between Democrats and Republicans, it is between a vibrant, colorful melting pot society versus a white supremacist society; It is between a society that wants equal rights for all people versus a society that wants all rights for themselves and limited rights at best for others. Furthermore, it is between an open democratic society versus an authoritarian, fascist leaning society. It is between those who are sane and believe in science versus those who are crazy and listen to QAnon, conspiracy theories and right wing nut jobs in certain media outlets.

We are living in scary times. The U.S. version of the Taliban is trying to take over our country, to be just as oppressive and authoritarian towards women as the Taliban in Afghanistan. They will also not hesitate to take away the rights of black and brown people, gays, lesbian and other people in the LGBTQ community, and generally anyone that they are afraid of who may be challenging their outdated, medieval way of life.

We must stand up and defend ourselves, our democratic way of life and our society, from being stolen away by these scary, zealous people who also do not hesitate to change voting rights in order to affect the outcome of elections in their favor, since they can not win the popular vote in any election, fair and square.




Born in what was then West Germany, at the beginning of the 60s, I came to the USA in 1979. I am married and have two kids. I believe in “live and let live.”