Setting a bad example!

This morning I heard on the news that Target will be taking its line of merchandise, designed for supporters of Pride Month, off its shelves.



The Target corporation is caving in to pressure from some right-wing, white-supremacist, fascists who feel threatened by, and are fearful of rainbows, unicorns, love, and pride.

These people, just like newly declared Republican presidential candidate and full time fascist Ron -don't say gay-DeSantis, fear all things LGBTQ+, with a special fear of life and pride affirming Drag Queens.

This is a dangerous move by Target, because they are caving in to racists and thugs who have threatened violence and harm against the LGBTQ+ community and their supporters. If we allow this poor precedence to stand, then we open ourselves up to even more threats and harassment…because if it has worked once, why wouldn’t it work again.

How about I don’t like Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, St. Patrick's Day or Thanksgiving and don’t want items associated with those celebrations to be sold. More than likely, though, it will be Black History Month or Juneteenth that is the next target for these hateful and intolerant, mouth breathing, white-supremacist, right-wing fascists.

We, as a Nation, need to stand up for what is right, even and especially in the face of bullying, harassment, threats, and violence.

…and just to point out a fact, the NRA, and gun merchants do not cave in to overwhelming pressure from the population who is letting them know that the goods they are selling are neither needed nor wanted. They fight back against the pressure by “buying” politicians on the political right, incidentally the same group that wants to stamp out LGBTQ+, and other people’s rights.




Written by O-Man

Born in what was then West Germany, at the beginning of the 60s, I came to the USA in 1979. I am married and have two kids. I believe in “live and let live.”

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