I knew that our country was politically divided…

4 min readNov 4, 2020

…but I thought that we would at least be able to unite in a fight against a threat to our democracy, decency and ethics. I WAS WRONG!

With Trump prossibly winning re-election, he will be able to catastrophize our Nation and the World for another four years, possibly longer if he “pulls a Putin” on us. The future has just become bleak and depressing.

I am shocked and dismayed that millions of people have still given Trump their vote, in spite of the blatant and open faced lies that he has spouted for four years, in spite of his disdain towards anyone who does not agree with him, in spite of his hate towards people from other countries, in spite of his greed, in spite of his divisiveness, in spite of his immorality, in spite of his fascistical and autocratic tendencies, in spite of all of these low-life character traits openly on display for all to see…millions of people voted for him.

The church lady has giving him her vote, because he claims to want to protect the unborn.

The farmer has given him his vote because he hopes that he will work out a deal with China to buy his corn, soy and beef.

The miners and oil drillers have given him their vote because he wants to bring back fossil fuels, damaging the planet in the process.

The crazies from QAnon have given him their vote because he re-tweets their crazy-ass messages and conspiracy theories, probably believing them too.

The right wing red necks have given him their vote because he too hates people who have skin that is not white.

The gun-lovers have given him their vote because he does not mind people wearing guns in public places, except possibly when he is around.

The uneducated Fox News watchers that fall somewhere in-between all of the above have given him their vote because they have been brain washed by the lies and hate distributed by that media company, to the point of where they have been scared to death of the outside world and believe that only Trump and his henchmen can protect them.

Who does that leave? Apparently not enough people to elect someone like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who will bring decency back into the White House and to our nation.

I have to say it, I AM ASHAMED OF US!

After this election, I am feeling disgusted and dismayed that half of our nation has the attitude of “oh, our weird uncle who lives in the basement, the one that molests women, is a pathological liar and mass murderer, we still like him because he is family.” At some point, “being family” is no longer a valid excuse.

Four years ago I could not believe that our nation would elect a misogynistic crotch grabber for president. While my wife and son wanted to leave this country, I felt that we needed to stay and not allow the racists and haters to take over without a fight. Now, after this election, I am ready to pack up and move to a country that is progressive, forward thinking, tolerant inclusive and social towards its citizens. A country where politicians are not being paid by lobbyists and where the politicians work for the people rather then for themselves. Canada, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, do you have space for a few more?

You could say that I am getting off a sinking ship, because that is exactly what our nation has become. Four more years of Trump will definitely not be bringing peace, unity and happiness, that is for sure.

If you don’t like the “sinking ship” analogy, here is another one. Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty just got killed, their bodies are still warm but rigor mortis is beginning to set in and soon there will be the smell of decay around.

While there still is some sliver of hope that Trump will not win, votes are still being counted, it does not change the fact that our nation is divided, not only along political lines but along ethical and moral ones as well. In this case, going to church does not automatically mean that you have ethics and morals, because if you have tolerated the garbage and the lies that have come from this president and voted for him anyways, then you have NO moral ground to stand on.

Millions of people voting for Trump and his enablers in the Senate shows the lack of moral character that pervades this nation. Even if, against the odds, Trump ends up losing, those people who voted for him can not be ignored. It is important to listen to them, talk with them, and find out why they would support a man with no moral value, character or decency.

Once we know that, perhaps we can start healing the rift and grow closer as a nation, with shared American values.




Born in what was then West Germany, at the beginning of the 60s, I came to the USA in 1979. I am married and have two kids. I believe in “live and let live.”