Marjorie Taylor Green showing class during the State of the Union address by President Biden on March 7, 2024 …not!

Hey Stupid,

2 min readMar 10, 2024


While you tried to shame President Biden about the unfortunate murder of a University of Georgia nursing student, Laken Riley, by an illegal immigrant, living in an apartment complex near the University, shouting “Say her Name,” perhaps YOU should finally acknowledge the multiple murders of kids at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018.

The “Laken Riley Act” that was passed in the House this week was nothing more than a political stunt, designed to single out illegal immigrants, and shame Democrats who did not vote for it.

If only the Republicans’ answer to yet another school -or mass shooting would be to design a bill that would make it extremely difficult to purchase guns, and straight out prohibit the purchase, sale, or ownership of semi-automatic rifles, instead of relying on thoughts and prayers, then we would probably see a difference in the amount of those crimes.

MTG, you ignorant Dunce, you have harassed and badmouthed survivors and families of the victims of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shooting in the past.

You have also said that this shooting had been faked to justify a crackdown on gun rights.

I would guess that school shootings are far more common than murders of nursing students or young women by illegal immigrants, but that doesn’t matter to you. You simply deny that we have a crisis caused by the easy availability of guns, supported by Useless, Sit On Your Ass, Do-Nothing Politicians like yourself and your Republican buddies.

Of course, you are likely being paid by the NRA, so it is difficult to take a stand against guns because it would be cutting off the branch you are sitting on.

So, you have absolutely no moral ground to stand on to tell anyone to say anyone's name!

You have tried to use the unfortunate murder of a young woman to try to shame a man who has more class, compassion, and empathy than you could ever have, even if you lived to be 200 years old.

If you were truly empathetic and cared, you would also be concerned about the murder victims of other crimes, because dead is dead, and one death is not more or less important than another.

In my opinion, you are nothing but a miserable, sad, and spiteful individual, driven by lunatic conspiracy theories and a sycophantic need to get attention and acceptance from a narcissistic, egotistical, evil, egomaniac, who should be in jail while awaiting any single one of his four criminal trials.




Born in what was then West Germany, at the beginning of the 60s, I came to the USA in 1979. I am married and have two kids. I believe in “live and let live.”