Democrats need to be more ruthless!

Democrats in Congress are reacting too slow to Republican tactics of stalling and obstructionism, meant to de-rail the Biden agenda and prevent the enacting of groundbreaking legislation on a number of issues, because they keep hoping that Republicans will work with them in a bi-partisan fashion.

5 min readJun 7, 2021

Well, hope dies last and at this point, hope is nothing but an empty carcass, left out to rot in the sun, giving off the foul odor of decomposition.

Well Democrats, you are gullible and plain dumb if you believe that you can work with these Republicans. The Republican party, for the most part, has gone full fascist in their agenda and can not be counted on to be a valued and honest partner in a democracy as ours. Their focus is on gaining back power, any way they can, while restricting people’s rights and liberties.

For example, if Republicans were in power and wanted to get rid of the filibuster for whatever reason, they would have done so without thinking about it twice. They would have voted to get rid of it in lock-step fashion and not have given a shit about what the American people would think of them or what kind of repercussions it may have for them down the road. If it would provide a means to an end, they would do it. For one thing, Republicans simply don’t think that the American electorate is smart enough to remember events that are further than six weeks in the past.

Democrats, have you not learned from the Republican’s double talking hypocrisy when it came to installing another conservative judge to the U.S. Supreme Court, two weeks before a presidential election? They went against their own words, were branded as liars and hypocrites, at least by reputable media outlets…BUT THEY DIDN’T GIVE A SHIT AND DID IT ANYWAYS AND THEY GOT WHAT THEY WANTED!

So come on Democrats, it is time to fight fire with fire, play a little dirty, be a little more ruthless, do what is best for our nation and never mind the Republican fascists who will whine, complain and obstruct no matter what you do.

One example of Republican ruthlessness is the way they reacted to losing the 2020 Presidential election. They are claiming election fraud and deny the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol happened by claiming that it was only a tourist group, knowing that everyone in their right mind knows that both of these things are bold faced lies.

They have the balls to look straight faced into whatever camera is pointed at them and repeat these lies. They even dismiss the personal pleas of the mother of a policeman, killed in the line of duty during the January 6 attack on our Capitol, just so that they can block the establishment of a bi-partisan commission to get to the bottom of the insurrection.

Why would they do this? Because they are afraid that their own lies, duplicity and responsibility for the attack will come to light, never mind the responsibility their “Dear Leader,” “Dictator Don,” “Trump the Terrible,” would possibly have to bear.

Through ruthless whining and complaining, by claiming persecution and being victims of a witch-hunt, even by claiming to be victims of Washington politics, Republicans have managed to thwart investigations into their criminally crooked and corrupt leader, have thwarted TWO impeachment trials, despite knowing that Trump was guilty as sin. They are the ones who play politics at every turn!

Whatever Republicans do, it is not for the good of our nation, it is motivated by their need to gain power to benefit themselves and their party or even worse, to benefit one person only, that small handed vulgarian, wanna be strongman and amateur dictator, Trump.

The Republican fascists have turned their backs on democracy and they don’t give a shit who knows it. They feel that they have enough crazy fascists in the electorate that will vote for them. Hopefully they are wrong!

As I have mentioned, in order to improve their chances of taking back power in the U.S. House and Senate, the ruthless Republican fascists are now curtailing voting rights in many states of our nation, making it much more difficult, mostly for people who generally tend to vote for Democrats in elections, to cast their vote. This voter suppression movement started almost immediately after Republicans lost the Presidential election in 2020 and the run-off election for two Senate seats in Georgia.

Another example of the Republicans fascist agenda is the fact that on the state level, mostly in Republican led states, they are withdrawing from the federal unemployment program, three months before it is to expire, because they are claiming that the program gives people an incentive not to go back to work. As the data shows, this is at best only partially true and at worst, a false claim. That does not matter to the Republicans though, facts and data are not important to them.

People are slow to go back to work not just because the $300.00 they receive per week from the unemployment program is an incentive not to return to a low wage job. Issues like low wage jobs are a reality but a lack of child care, continued fear of contracting Covid-19 or the simple fact that jobs that existed before the pandemic having disappeared altogether are a much greater reason for the slow return of workers into the work force.

Democrats need to act equally partisan and ruthless — but for the good of our country.

We need to get a decent infrastructure bill into place! We need the John Lewis act to become law! We need to protect minorities from being discriminated against! We need to protect women’s right to get a safe abortion if they need one! We need gun laws that are sane!

Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are obstructing the democratic process because they are obviously not intelligent enough to realize that they are playing into the hands of the Republican fascists. They want to believe that they are working for democracy. They could not be more wrong! Right now they are obstructing and endangering democracy by not voting with the rest of the Democrats on crucial issues like the John Lewis Act or ending the filibuster.

The Republican fascists have already used that procedure in the U.S. Senate to stop the formation of a bi-partisan commission to investigate the events leading up to and of January 6, 2021, the insurrectionist attack on our Capitol.

The Republican fascists are laughing their asses off at the stupidity and gullibility of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. They marvel at how easy it is to manipulate them, simply through flattery, into being tools to make sure their fascist agenda will be able to progress.

Sinema and Manchin, two of Mitch McConnell’s tools in the U.S Senate

Republicans are laughing at the Democrats’ inability in the U.S. Senate to do what’s best for the country because the Democrats care about things like ethics, morals and scruples and don’t want to look like “bad guys.”




Born in what was then West Germany, at the beginning of the 60s, I came to the USA in 1979. I am married and have two kids. I believe in “live and let live.”